
10 on Tuesday week 3

Well hello, my lovely friends.
Today. Sadly, I forgot that it was camera day until just now. (I know you are thinking, "NOELLE. Its 3 o'clock! You have plenty of time!"  But I don't. I only have 2 moreish hours of daylight. I considered doing 10 on Wednesday, but that just isn't as catchy. So we are back to word pictures.

One of these days I'll do it right!

1. Every morning when we wake up, before we start our day we all crowd around Boss Varis' speaker phone and Gersan prays for each of us, and for our day. He has also started doing a little devotional from a book he likes. Its such a sweet way to start the day. Knowing that we are prayed for, and that we are all on the same page together. Its like Sr. Staff meeting at Frontier Camp, (but shorter and earlier!)

2. Today's morning consisted of preparing the office for a makeover. I got help from Boss Tchaly in taking down the bed and moving it next door. I thnk I have removed all the bedding and placed them in a spot all together. Tomorrow I will begin the nitty gritty of sorting and placing things on our fine shelves that Frontier Camp built when they were here.

3. Also, my day has been full of conversation. I have been blessed to have had a few random skype and fb chat conversations along with some phone convos with Betty and my dad. Last night I was feeling a little far away from home, but then this morning I got a fb email from a dear friend giving me all the details of her life. Even one's that aren't important or even really relate to either of us... example: "so-and-so. (a mutal friend) got a haircut."   I love still knowing the details of everyone's lives. So if you ever need to word vomit details of your life on someone... I am your girl!!

4. Remember how last week I was discouraged about school not going well? Well, today I showed up for school and the little kindergartners (who aren't even in my class ran up to me and shouted, "Goodmorning! How are you? What is your name?") I know they didn't understand what they were saying because they ALL know my name. When I walk by I honestly feel bad for thier teachers, the entire class is disrupted because someone, always, without fail gets the whole class chanting, "Norell. Norell, NOrell." sometimes they chant my name along with other words, but I haven't yet figured out what they are saying.

5. Speaking of school... The last two days have gone very well. My first, second, and third graders had a blast with "Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes" yesterday to learn our body parts, but I had to edit the words a little. They were getting confused by the "head AND shoulders. knees AND toes." Thought that and was part of the body part. Once the ANDs were omitted it was smooth sailing. Thankfully I have learned the value of a little friendly girl-boy competition at Frontier Camp and so, of course we split the boys and girls and had some competition to see who could sing the loudest AND pronounce the words correctly.
A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E. Today went well with my Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth graders as well. No singing for these kiddos (I say kiddos... most of them are my age or a little younger.) But they did learn them all. We practiced pronouncing things correctly and then had a quiz... They did wonderfully! I was so happy! Thank you God for giving me smart kids!

6. I really wish my camera was around for this one. I can't adequately describe this to you... So... I'm getting all the materials ready for Janet (the lady who comes in the evening to cook for me). I pull the tomato paste out of the icebox (which has not been refridgerated for over a week.) But the tomato paste has been open, left in the can, and put back into the ice box.... Ok. So I go to get it out.... Black Fuzz. Lots of it. around the top of the can. Open the can... (any normal individual would have gagged, but my science brain and the past month in Haiti has really decreased my gag reflex. Y'all. I have never seen this much mold anywhere. Not even in a science lab. it was A LOT. I exclaim that the paste is not good and Janet looks at me in horror. *rough translation* "oh don't panic, its FINE! I'll just scrape off this stuff and it'll be good as new." So... I'm eating sauce made with that tomato paste tonight. I hope I don't have any adverse reactions to the new floura I am introducing to my system.

7. So speaking of food... today Guerline went to the doctor in Cap Haitian, to get some medicine. She came back with a funny little bag of... something. It looked like... something... I don't even know. White and brown. I could see that it was hard chunks of some sort of cresent shaped thing. It is about 1.5 inches thick. (I'll save some and take a picture).. anyway... one of the strangest things I've ever eaten. At the beginning it has the consistency of sand and tastes like nothing, then it tastes like a mini wheat (you know the cereal), then it turns into a toothpaste consistency and tastes like vanilla cake mix. Very... interesting.  Its called 'bon bon amidon" Bon bon just means candy or snack... and apparently this is made from the same plant as cassava... Which I am planning on taking a picture of soon. Cassava is quickly becoming my comfort food/ after school snack, but its pretty healthy I think. Just a plant. Can't wait for next week when I have homemade Haitian peanut butter!

8. Tala washed my clothes today. When she was finished she came up and told me she was finished and that my underwear looked pretty on the line... "Ummm... Thank you? They are pretty much standard underwear..." I'm glad that's out there for all to see... maybe she meant that as a collective whole my clothes looked pretty on the line... I'll never know.

9. Preparing my lesson for tomorrow. Trying to think of songs or games to teach colors. Could be a short lesson. But I'll probably add some body parts that weren't covered in the song from Monday. I'm considering some sort of matching game or "hide and seek" type... we'll see...

10. Currently listening to my current favorite artist, Joshua Radin (google him. fall in love. I dare you. I even made it super easy for you), serenade me while I am talking to my mom on skype. Miss my momma. She is the best. She loves me so much that sometimes its overwhelming.. which, if you think about it, is ok! Talking to her on skype is always a joy and an experience. Partially because my internet situation is an experience all on its own, and partially because of my mom's relationship. One minute we will be talking about something serious and the next I'm trying not to wake up Guerline because I am laughing so much... MoMo, I miss being able to call you ever SECOND I think of something random to tell you, or texting you randomly throughout the day the funny things that happen in my life. YTB!

Here's to actually having photos in my next 10 on Tuesday!


Alexis said...

i love joshua radin!!!
i recently found your blog and love it. you inspire me and bring me daily joy.

Chloe Hamaker said...

The Lord God IS with you Noelle! He is mighty to save. I am blessed to call you friend. I am praying for your heart everyday.


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