
Praise Christ!!

I just got this note from Gersan, the Haitian Pastor I work with, via some friends that he wrote on New Year's Eve, I'm sure it is a sentiment he would like to share with all their supporters: He is speaking of the village that I will be moving to on Wednesday. He grew up in this village and his heart is truley to see their freedom!

"As we are about to go to bed, we can hear the voices of people singing in the dark, praises to God. They were singing with such harmony that one would believed they were angels. I knew that village 10 years ago, it was filled with voodoo temples and fear ruled everyone, people were dying from diseases. Now they are free to sing the song of the redeemed. If only I could see the transformation of each village of my country like this one, I would know that I accomplished my life's destiny. We thank God for all of you supporting us this Year! Thank you for serving Him together with us!

Happy new year!

Gersan & Betty "

I can't even express how excited I am to soon, and for a short time, call this village home. God is moving mightly in Ti Guinea!

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