
I wish you could have seen...

... How I just spent my last 15 mintues.

I don't even know where to begin. I can't stop laughing.

Background story:
So one of my Haitian friends is deathly afraid of frogs. Earlier she found one in her cabin! Before she went to sleep tonight she insisted that we find it. We searched for it, but without any luck.

 Once we had kinda moved on I hear Alicia, the cook, who is a very expressive, funny individual exclaimed, "AIAH!!!!" She found it! I ran over to see. She ran outside to get the broom and I thought she was going to sweep it out the door. No. She was going to use the handle side to smash it!!! Immediately images of frog guts all over the place is in my head and I start yelling "pa mouri!" (Which actually translates to "Not dead!" but in my haste I disregaurded proper vocabulary. I think it got the point across to not kill the frog.)
... So the frog jumps under the icebox, and immediately Alicia and I start laughing. partly because its funny, and partly, on my end, manic-panicked laughter. This laughter continues until the end of the story.

For the next five minutes Alicia is laying on the floor trying to see under the icebox. I'm holding the broom and we are both laughing. Betty is screaming for Mervil or Jerome to come save the day. So the story ends up with me holding the broom, Mervil holding the flashlight and a leaf (I don't know why anyone would come armed to fight a frog with a leaf?), and Alica laying on the floor yelling, "M' we li! M' we LI!!!" (I see it! I see IT!!!). I almost peed my pants at least 3 times, either because I was laughing so hard, or because the frog jumped out in my face at one point. We finally see it and Mervil sqashes it. I hear *Gleck, squiat, melgh* so. Gross.... but we were all still laughing.

We thanked Mervil for saving the day and cleaning up the frog guts with the leaf, and reported to our friend that the frog was terminated. I'm still giggling thinking about how funny it was. I can't exactly describe it all because it was in another language, but it was hysterical.

Funny things happen in Haiti.


Katy {and Kahler} said...

LOVE this. i had a similar experience in the shower without my contacts in with a bird-sized grasshopper... except i was naked and half blind.

i love the little things in life that make us smile. :)

Anonymous said...

appreciate reading your blog Noelle! Cold and snow here. Did batman ever come back? Marilyn

Elizabeth said...

We were moving to another city in Florida and behind my dresser I found a postmortem frog with rigor mortis. It had turned black and was heavy like a paper weight. I thought it was a small statue so I picked it up and brought it to my Mom. Sick.


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