
"I Double-Dog Dare you"

That phrase used to strike fear into the heart of whatever child was on the recieving end of the dare. If I remember correctly it was against the rules to turn down a double dog dare. Either that, or you turned into a jelly bean if you refused. I don't remember which one.

But I have a double-dog dare for you all!

Are you ready?

"De-lurk."    *Gasp! What does that mean? Can I do that? I can't turn that down!*

You are right. you can't turn down this dare. But what does it mean?

Let me give you some background info:
It seems like at least a few times a week I get someone telling me what they thought of my last post, or my mom will say, " I was talking to so-and-so and they said....blah blah... about your blog." And I think, what? They read my blog?? I didn't even know they knew me!

A few weeks ago I checked on the "stats" part of my blog, just browsing around. You know what I found out? People from 23 different countries have visited my blog. Some are regular readers. Some readers, like the ones in Zambia, and Kenya I know who they are. But there are others from countries that I honestly couldn't find on a map if I tried.

Well in the blogging world we call readers, but not commenters "lurkers." It seems as though I have some lurkers here, and I want to  encourage  dare you to come out and make yourself known.

I want to get one thring straight. I am not trying to beg for popularity or comments (although it may seem like that.) I really want to get to know who is reading what I have to say. Sometimes I feel like I am talking to the wall on here. Sometimes I get lonely. I know there are people on this journey with me, so I want to get to know my travel buddies!!
Also, I am open to constructive critisism and encouragement. Let me know what you like, don't like, want to hear more of, see more of, or any questions you may have, etc.

Some of you may think that since you don't have a blogger account you can't comment. Not true! You can always comment as anonymous (just leave your name in the comment so I'll know who you are!), or if you aren't comfortable with that shoot me an email!

But really, your comments make my day! And I'd love to get to know all you strangers out there!

I double-dog dare you!


Sarah Stone said...

i've been lurking. lol. sorry. i liked your extended metaphor of jazz music and haitian people. I can't wait to talk to Hudson and hear all about what you've been up to for the last couple months. Praying for you!
-Sarah Stone

Gonzo Six said...

I like everything about you. You must come from good stock. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi :) My name is Holly. I live in the rocking metropolis of Grapeland, TX and I read your blog, when the internet lets me. For some reason our internet doesn't like blogger, and it only lets you view a blogger website about 34% of the time. Praying for you and Jacob's Well and excited about what's going on in Haiti but also excited to see you this summer! :)

Susannah said...

you're cute and i love you.

Katy {and Kahler} said...

hey hey, from that one in Zambia! :)

im not really a 'lurker', but i figured i'd leave a comment anyways

Anonymous said...

Countries you couldn't find on a map if you tried? Really? Apparently we should have devoted more of our homeschool time to geography. Maybe when you get home Hope and Gracie can teach you the song about the countries of Africa! That should help. Love you. Mom BTW, I read EVERY post, most of them at least three times. :-)

Unknown said...

I mostly lurk! I get your blog by email and only come your blog site to catch up when I get behind. I'm blessed how God is using you to bless the Haitian people in your village. I laugh, I weep, and I pray! Please know that we are out here "actively lurking" (reading and praying). :)

Jenny Hagstrom said...

I ready your blog noelle:) its jenny btw. love you!

Hannah Lynne said...

I'm with Suse. You are cute.

Rita said...

Hey Noelle - I am not de-lurking because I've never lurked yet. This is my first post. I just re-connected with your dad. We fell in love with your mom, dad, you and Coleman at Autumn Creek, but sadly we moved away to Chattanooga when you were very young and before Hope and Grace joined the family. We have never stopped loving you guys though and I am really glad we have found each other again. Your dad sent me the link to your blog, so we will love to keep up with you and your awesome work in Haiti. Our son Matthew came to Haiti this past October for a mission trip--his first. It was life-changing for him. Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sweet girl. Just wanted you to know that I read your blog and pray for you and Gersan and the ministry there. You are doing a beautiful job of sharing your life with us and it is so helpful to those of us who pray for you. My mom's heart will be glad when you are in the great state of Texas again :), but the Lord's heart in me rejoices in His calling and your obedience. You have made us see and love the people of Haiti through His eyes.
Jeanne Colvin

aimee said...

Hahaha! I love you so much, and we are praying for you daily, here in the Bowles household. Canaan was hovering over my shoulder this morning asking me to scroll back up to the top of your blog so we could see your picture and the Haitian children. We miss you, and cannot wait to see you in 50+ days! It is such a joy to journey with you. Love, Aimee


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