I have made a lot of progress since January. Praise God! He is so good to me! I made a list of things that all went RIGHT about my time in Haiti about a week after I got home. Sort of a "what I'm thankful for" list. I think sometimes when I don't consiously think about how good God is that I start to forget all the great things He has done (and is doing) for me. I'll come back to this point in a second...
I was talking to a complete stranger today... (Ok, I've seen her twice, so not a COMPLETE stranger.) Anyway, I do this a lot now (I'm turning into my mother!) I think coffee really loosens people up in a way similar to Alcohol, but you can actually remember the conversation later. It turns out that this girl and I are in a lot of the same circles, but we couldn't think of any of our mutual friends. So while we were brainstorming about how we knew each other it came up that she was moving to Asia to do language school and minister to college students. Neat! So when it was my turn I started to tell her about my future plans and my insecurities in them... so I'm spilling my heart to a stranger... and she cuts me off mid-sentence with a huge smile and says "But God is so great!" Like, "Psh! No worries girl, you are all insecure about this now, but its going to be taken care of, and its going to astound you how easily God's going to pull this off!"
THANK YOU!!! I needed to hear that!
This type of thing has happened a lot these past 6 months. I'll be talking to someone that I don't really know... and spilling my heart and word vomiting all over them. And instead of being like, wow, girl, you've got a long way to go, or something to that effect. They minimize my issue or make a joke out of it... And its SO encouraging! I have these memorable quotes written down in my phone, so I wont forget them.
For example, I was talking to this girl that I sort of know. We've had coffee once or twice, and see each other around about once per week. She asked how school was going. And I told her. (This was around March, so school was NOT going well. And I was panicked.) She shrugs and goes, "Well chances are, you'll graduate." I bet if I reminded her of saying that she would not even remember. But I've read that sentence over and over again for encouragement. And she was right! The next week I found out that I would be graduating in December! Whoop!
Strangers are so neat!
(For the mom's that read my blog... Don't worry. I only talk to safe strangers. And I don't take any candy from them.)
I think I have spent the past few days forgetting all that God has done for me. Which brings me back to the beginning of the post. I want to spend a few minutes dwelling on my blessings. Like at thanksgiving when you all go around the table and say what you are thankful for.
Just to create the right atmosphere in your mind...
I'm thankful for:
- My family. They have been there for me with shoulders to cry on and encouragement to keep me going.
- The promise of Heaven. I was thinking about it today. What a great day it will be when I finally get to see Jesus face-to-face and hug His neck. I can't wait to sit with my Heavenly Father and laugh and worship Him.
- Mom. for always answering your phone. Even last semester on Monday afternoons when you knew there was a 100% chance that I was crying. For listening and putting up with me.
- Dad. for always wanting to sit on the couch with me and laugh or watch mystery shows.
- Surviving. Last semester was not an easy one emotionally and I literally didn't think I was going to make it... but I did.
- The known. I know I'm loved, God has a plan, its all going to work out, most likely be graduating within 5 months.
- The unknown. I'm honestly not as thankful for this yet. Just scared and insecure, but that is driving me to trust my Father... which I am thankful for.
- New Life Church. I've just started going to this church and I'm loving it.
- Music. That speaks to your soul. (Or that you can have a dance party to... Bieber Fever anyone?)
- Siblings and friends. You've all been so encouraging to me over the years. I can't imagine where I'd be without learning important life lessons from you guys.
- Summer break. Even though I'm working and taking classes its been good to at least say that it's summer.
- Game nights. A little friendly competition in Tomball. Lifts my spirits always... even when the boys beat us.
- Rest. I am finally getting back to my old sleeping habits! I don't think I've had an earthquake nightmare since right after spring break! I am starting to be able to fall asleep a little faster as well and don't take forever to fall asleep. Only sometimes does the train scare me as it whooshes through the night at 11:45 and 3:15. Other than that I'm sleeping, Praise God!
- Spoons. With Caitlin, Jessie, & Andrea. You are each so special to me in your very own way.
- Blessings. So much that I take for granted. My car, food, shelter, education, clothing, hygiene, freedom. All things that I never have to even think twice about because I've been so richly blessed.
- Many more.
What are you thankful for?