
Announcement! Valcin Meet & Greet

Well, I know I've been somewhat absent in the blog world, despite my efforts and promises to get back into it. I do have some reasons, I have been writing blogs in my head. I've been thinking and talking a lot and I am almost ready to come back to the blogging world. But today is not about me. 

Today is about Betty and Gersan Valcin. They are the missionaries that I have spent so much of my time with in Haiti. They are my Haitian parents. They are a huge blessing in my life. God has blessed their ministry and given them a heart for the lost souls in Haiti. A heart to evangelize the lost. Train and establish pastors who will speak the truth and use biblical teaching. Help those in poverty, by providing jobs, building houses, etc. 

Betty and Gersan are in TEXAS!!!! They will be staying at my house in Tomball August 20-24. I want you to meet them!!

Monday August 22 & Tuesday August 23 they will be sharing what God is doing through them in the country of Haiti. Together, we will share with you some of our hopes and dreams for the country of Haiti, for the people of Haiti, and for Jacob's Well. We will be answering questions, and sharing with you opportunities to be involved through prayer, giving, or going on a short term trip. 

Please come meet them. I guarantee it will not be a waste of your time! Come at 7pm on Monday, Aug 22 or Tuesday, Aug 23 for coffee, dessert, and talk of Haiti! 

So to recap:

Who: The Valcins
What: Sharing about what God is doing in Haiti with coffee and dessert.
When: Monday, Aug 22 & Tuesday, Aug 23. 7pm
Where: My house (Call or email for directions)
Why: So you can be active in Prayer, Giving, or Going!
How: Please RSVP by leaving a comment with your name (and what day you plan on attending), or call Me (Noelle) or my mom (Marie). Or send me an email at: noelle.gonzalez11@gmail.com

Please invite whomever you may think would be interested as well. We want to get the word out about this, and I would love for all of you in the Tomball/Houston area, to be involved! 

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