

What do you see?
I see old, rugged wood, barbed wire, rust, splinters.
Rugged(n): Having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface:

But if we change our perspective...

What do you see now?

Breathtaking beauty.
Green pastures, snowy mountains, blue skies, gray clouds, yellow flowers, fog lining the trees and mountains. 
What I wouldn't give to be sitting on the hill where this photo was taken and drinking in the beauty of the day.

I am sitting there. On that hill. Looking at beauty.

I didn't realize it until the other day, and I was again reminded of it this afternoon. 
Remember when I wrote about talking to strangers? Its happened a lot recently. 

Everyone always asks what I'm doing when I graduate. All I can do is shrug my shoulders and say, "We'll see, I guess."
The closer I get to graduation the more peaceful I am about it all. In August I was totally panicked. Like in complete hyperventilation mode. 
Now... I'm not. I know God's got this. I should boast in my position of uncertainty. 

I think in the last 2 weeks I've had about 10 people tell me they were jealous of me. OF ME!?!?! I always want to say, "I'm sorry. I think you must be confusing me with the other Noelle that doesn't know what she's doing with her life." But I think they really mean me. Here's why... I have a lot of friends that feel like they are stuck in a rut. The rut of school, or kids, or a job, or family, or debt. While sometimes I feel like a complete failure as an successful Aggie that I'm not graduating with a double major, a husband/fiance, and a job, other people are totally jealous of me!

They tell me that they can't wait to see what God is going to do with my life. (Frankly, neither can I!) I'm not tied down in any way, shape, or form. I don't have student debt.(Hallelujah!) I don't have a family to take care of and/or provide for, I have plenty of "vacation time" because I don't have a job lined up, and I am young and ambitious. I'm in the furthest thing from a being in a routine that a human being can be!

The more I talk to people, both strangers and non-strangers, the more I realize I'm right where I need to be. I don't exactly know where that is... but I'm in the right place.

I realized its all about the perspective. Its about what I see. How I look at it. I can look at the rusty old barbed wire fence just waiting to give me tetanus. Or I can change my perspective and see the big picture. That I'm in the most gorgeous spot on earth. In God's creation, right smack dab in the middle of where He wants me. Willing to run any direction to chase Him.
Where are you?
What do you see in your life?
Look closer! Find the beauty.

 Life is beautiful. 
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." Ecclesiastes 3:11


Jana said...

You are quite a girl, you know that? His girl.

The Bittles said...

Hey I could think of some things for you to do in Canmore for a few weeks if you are interested. I need help and church and the store and I know a great family you could live with.... :)

Love you Noie and I am so proud of all that you are - really!


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